Assistant Professor

Qualification : Ph.D.
Specialization : Geology
Teaching / Research) :Years / Years

Studied Recent benthic Foraminifera from the east coast of India and the southern part of the east coast of Japan and established foramgeographical affinity, found 122 common species from the two regions, although, fairly distant but within the warm water Indo-Pacific province. The 41 species, whose morphological comparison have been dealt in the study only 21 show ‘wide to moderate’ while the other 20 show inconspicuous range of intraspecific variations and also reported first time 26 of Recent benthic foraminifera species from the Indian waters.

      In International Repute Journals:
    1. First report of some Recent benthic foraminifera from the east coast of India. (P. K. Kathal and Vikal Kumar Singh)
    2. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., 76, 69-74, (2010), 0016-7622. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.596).

    3. Morphological variations in common Recent benthic foraminifera from the east coast of India and the southern east coast of Japan. (V. K. Singh and P. K. Kathal)
    4. Jour. Palaeont. Soc. Ind., 56(1), 65-81, (2011), 0552-9360. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.50).

    5. Foraminiferal studies along the littoral zone of the east coast of India and its zoogeographical affinity: An overview.
      (P. K. Kathal and V. K. Singh).
    6. Asian Jour. Exp. Sci., 27(2), 3-8, (2013), 0971-5444 (ICV: 5.39).

      In National Repute Journals
    7. First report of twelve Recent benthic foraminifera from the Indian waters. (Vikal Kumar Singh and P. K. Kathal)
    8. Gond. Geol. Mag., 25(2), 259-266, (2010), 0970-261X.

      (Newly: Journal of Geosciences Research, Gond. Geol. Society, Nagpur, India, ISSN: 2455-1953)
    9. Folds in the Vindhyan rocks around Sagar, M. P.
      (Arun K. Shandilyal, V. K. Singh & Mr. N. K. Dutta)
    10. Jour. Ind. Geol. Cong. 4(2), 53, (2012), 2229 – 435X.

      In Scopus Indexed Conference Proceedings (After Join CUSB)
    11. Impact of anthropogenic activities on groundwater quality and quantity in Raipur City,
      Chhattisgarh, India
      (R Khan, Indhulekha K, Y K Mawale, Rakesh Dewangan, Shubhedu Shekhar, C S Dwivedi Vikal K Singh and D C Jhariya)
    12. IN: National Conference on Challenges in Groundwater Development and Management, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 597, 1-9, (2020) 1755-1315, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/597/1/012006. (Impact Factor: 0.40).

      Accepted For publication (After Join CUSB)
    13. “Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zone Using GIS-based Multi-Influencing Factor (MIF), Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Electrical Resistivity Survey Techniques in Raipur city, Chhattisgarh, India” (D. C. Jhariya, Rubia Khan, K. C. Mondal, Tarun Kumar, Indhulekha K. and Vikal K. Singh)
    14. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua jws2021129, 1-26, (2021) 2709-8028, (Impact Factor: 1.319). It was accepted on 22 Jan 2021

      Paper Communicated (After Join CUSB)
    15. Study on the latitudinal variation and dominance of Recent benthic species in the foraminiferal assemblages, of the littoral sediments, east coast of India. (V. K. Singh and P. K. Kathal)
    16. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, USA, (submitted in Nov. 2020)

  1. Taxonomy and distribution of some Recent benthic foraminifera from the sandy beaches of the east coast of India. (P. K. Kathal and V. K. Singh).
  2. Development in Earth Science, 101-123, (2015), 978-95-5137-944-7, 213p. Publ. Decc. Edu. Soc. Fergusson College, Pune, India.

  3. An Overview on the Comparative Morphology of the Recent Benthic Foraminifera from the East Coast of India and the Part of the Southern East Coast of Japan, Warm-water Indo-Pacific Province. (P. K. Kathal and V. K. Singh)
  4. Micropaleontology and its Applications, 89-106, (2017), 978-93-8665-209-6, 342p. Sci. Publ., New Delhi, India.

  5. Urbanization and its impact on groundwater: an overview. (Rubia, D. C. Jharia & V. K. Singh).
  6. Proc. Vol., CGWB, NC,CGR, Raipur, C.G., 127-136, (2015)

N.S.S. Certificate - 240 hrs work during 1995 - 1997.
N.C.C. “C” Certificate with Grade “Bee” in 1998 from the Senior Division (Army wing) Infantry Unit 8 UP BN NCC A. M. U. Aligarh, Directorate Uttar Pradesh Lucknow.Regimental No. UP SD/95/115554; Rank: Under Officer.