Laboratory facility
The department is equipped with environmental science laboratory for high and research and teaching purpose. The well-equipped wet laboratory is meant for carrying out experimentation and research in Ecology, Biomanipulation and biocontrol, Biogeochemistry, Pollution monitoring and control, Environmental Engineering, Environmental biotechnology and microbiology, ecotoxicology, Soil sciences, Solid Waste management and many others. Sophisticated and high end equipment if available in the department laboratory and central instrumentation facility like Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), UV-Vis-spectrophotometer, CHNS analyser, Ion chromatography, Automated solvent extractor, Gas Chromatograph (GC), Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS), Kjeldahl nitrogen assembly, Microwave digestion system, Rotary Evaporator, Flame photometer, Incubator shaker, BOD incubator, Respirable dust sampler.
Lab staffs and their contact
Laboratory Assistant: Mr. Dharmendra Kumar
Call : 0631-2229-
Email :
Laboratory Assistant: Mr. Amarjeet Kumar
Call : 0631-2229-