University Admission, Teaching and Evaluation Committee (UATEC)
University Admission, Teaching and Evaluation Committee (UATEC) is an apex body under the general control and supervision of the Academic Council (AC) (Ordinance-30), for recommending policy and overseeing all matters, such as the framing and implementation of Rules and Regulations, related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation, maintenance of the records of students, the students’ evaluation of each course taught in the University and any matter like placement, achievements, etc. relating to students.
UATEC members
Prof. Kaushal Kishore Dean, School of Education |
Chairman |
Mr. Nemi Chandra Rathore Head I/c, Department of Computer Science |
Member |
Dr. Mayank Yuvaraj Assistant Librarian |
Member |
Mr. Pratish Kr. Das Hindi Officer |
Member |
Mr. Ashok Kr. Singh System Analyst |
Member |